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Bipolar Poetry: "The Corridor" a Poem about Depressions that Just Are

Photo by Jacqueline Loweree

When I’m living a depression, I want to think it is not in vain and that it serves a greater purpose. But the truth is that they don’t. Sometimes they only debilitate me for several days, weeks, or months.

During that time darkness is only darkness. Pain is only pain. Depressions are only depressions. And as I am fighting to get through each and every day, I look for the light at the end of the tunnel – for hope. Hope in the form of meaning, because as a bipolar person, episodes of depression will be a constant factor in my life.

And such is the human condition to try to find meaning in all.

Yet, not all has to have meaning and a greater purpose. Some experiences are only meant to be. Period. They are not meant to teach us a greater lesson or provide us with deeper insight.

They just come and go. Come and go. Come and go.


The Corridor

Beyond the stairway,

along a corridor of broken doors

lies Hope in rubble.

O, mighty someone shine

a light on its wretched skin

that in darkness it’s paleness,

opaque, no longer glows because

its darkness is only darkness,

its pain is only pain.

And all that crumbled within

rests shattered, in pieces,

along the corridor of long-forgotten days.

In this place where night resides,

there is a but a light - far far away,

toward the end.

And in the most ironic fashion,

in a cruel sort of way,

the light to Hope,

the path of Loss

it illuminates.


Follow me on Instagram @jackie_loweree for updates, links to the blog, inspirational quotes, pretty pictures, and more.

The Ins and Outs of OWN IT: A Blog on How to Show Bipolar Who's the Boss

  • A blog for people with mental illness written by an unstable, unpredictable, and uninhibited woman diagnosed with bipolar disorder

  • Covers all topics including relationships, coping mechanisms, entertainment, and everyday resources

  • Updated and shared twice a month, news and updates available on Instagram @jackie_loweree, and if you don't have an Instagram, no problem, just check my site - all posts will be here

Disclaimer: OWN IT is a first-hand account of bipolar disorder designed to orient those diagnosed with mental illness. It by no means intends to offer medical advice. If you are diagnosed with an illness, or think you may suffer from one, please seek professional help. Otherwise, take my words lightly and have fun reading!

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